
Perfil de Pikapikachu

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Hatena ID
Self introduction

hi people on hatena,

my name is luke (redstone) and each day i try to make good flipnotes. every month im gonna make about 1-3 great, awsome and not spinoff flipnotes. birth day 4/6/1999 thats all i can say and im almost always on my chat room, if not i maybe busy. im from massachusetts. well... bye, ahhhh and i gt a 3ds and i sold my dsi and i dont have hatena anymore so i might have flipnote memo soon so i might get hatena for 3ds ad i might have to get a new account :( well add me if i show around and my user name might be *REDSONE* $LUKE$ OR REAL*SLIM. KAY KAY JUST wanted my fans o kno that and ill be a better guy on hatena and no spin off copyright or starbeg and i will take time with my flipnotes so they can me much better. kay kay bye