~De@th G!rl~ </3

Profil de ~De@th G!rl~ </3

Hey, me is Death girl! :D

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~De@th G!rl~ </3

Hey, me is Death girl! :D

Self introduction

Hello fellow hatena users! :D OK, first of all, on this link: http://www.hatena.com/Pikapowa/edit

I DO NOT OWN ICON!!! :D I didn't create it! Ok? :) Yush, someone else did. ^^ FUN FACT TIME!!!!

Fact 1: I love anime!

Fact 2: "Meow" Is my favorite English word! :3

Fact 3: I am a huge gamer! >:D

Fact 4: Imma gurl! XD

Fact 5: I am NOT an emo! Some people think I am... I just LOVE gore! Lol. XD Maybe I have sword earrings and black shirts but still...

Fact 6: I got my Dsi when the 3Ds came out. If it weren't for my friends I wouldn't be here! :3

Fact 6: I have many O.C.s. Such as: Azalea, for Sonic the Hedgehog series, Scarlett, For the Legend of Zelda series, Kel, Mackenzie, Roxi, etc. for my Roleplaying! :p

Fact 7: I'm random. DEAL WITH IT!!!!

Fact 8: My guy friends at school and I have a secret language. We ride the bus. *Giggles evilly >:D*

Fact 8: I think Japan needs to stop making giant robots; the space cops are gonna ask questions! X3

I think you know me pretty well now, huh? :) Gawd, I just LOVE the close-up of Porky/Pokey crying! TvT Now, Goodbye, friends! I shall see you soon! :D

Full name

Hatsune Miku! >:3


None! Guess what? Hatsune Miku is also a BANANA/SHINY MEW! .v.


Googleplex! >:D


National idiot day.

Blood type

I know i's not tasty XD Does that help?


DRAWING FRICKIN' ANIME. Have you not noticed?!!!! :3


The one that burned down/was abandoned! >:)

Place of residence

Stupidville U.S.A. ewe

Place of birth

In a Honda. :p


Drawing! Have you not been around?

Special skills

Juggling six kittens while performing mouth to mouth on a smexy dude. >///<


English! :D









