Dr. Fun Times

Dr. Fun Times's Profile

She's not good with first impressions, unlike this guy!........This guy...

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Dr. Fun Times

She's not good with first impressions, unlike this guy!........This guy...

Self introduction


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yuss i luv this kitteh!!!! meowwww

Hello! I'm back! So i guess i had motivation to get back on Hatena soo yeah... I'm working on some Gravity Falls flipnotes because I'm just soooo obsessed with this legit show! Haters! take my waffle and stay back! #<(.__.")<. So yeah. As you can see, my name is changed to Dipper because he's so loveable and adventourous. Apparently some people were fighting over him. :I So yup.... Oh and ill probably post a requests flip soon so yuh... That is all.

Well, who wants a lmaby lamby lamby? I do, I do! So, go up and greet your mammy mammy mammy! Hi there, hi there! And march, march, march around the daisies! Don't don't don't you forget about the babiessss! <3

Full name

Sir Dippingsauce


