



my name? my name is ROBO9292. and I am here on a mission, my mission is to entertain the people of flipnote hatena. I also wish to eliminate the corruption that is stealers, beggers, false reporters, and scams. join me in this fight, for the good in hatena, together we can win this battle, this war against the evil in hatena! I know to some of you I seem to be rambling on and on, but really, I am telling you about myself, and about my mission. join me in this war by being the good in hatena, not the bad.


now I will tell you about myself: I am a huge fan of stargate sg1, atlantis, and universe. I am also a huge fan of star wars, Indiana Jones, Skrillex (he's a DJ, look him up on youtube), weird al( if you don't know who he is its just sad), Battlestar Galactica (the new series), Doctor Who (all of it), Video games (duh), the new star trek movie, Dubstep (type of music), the simpsons, and last but not least, Flipnote Hatena! (like duh). I also am a complete science nerd, meaning I study college level physics in my free time. I have an 8 year old sister who is the bane of my existence. I know Wing Chun. I have 4 computers at my dads (a desktop in my bedroom, a desktop in the living room, a desktop in my uncle's room as a server, and my personal laptop) 3 computers at my mom's (2 are functional, a desktop as a server,another non-functioning desktop, and a macbook pro) I also have a ps3, my dsiXL (duh), and a wii (I said I love video games) and no, I am not messing with you. Without technology I am nothing, literally. oh and I have a phone. but you guys do NOT get my number. I can type ridiculouslly fast. I also have an aloe vera plant (interestingly it is a plant that without humans wouldn't exist, but its sub-species's would still exist). I actually care if people decide to read this. oh, and thanks for reading such a long self-introduction, by the way, i'm a little different in real life.