
Profil de Redmage1987

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction
  • Some of you know me as Shaun, some of you know me as Donkey Kong and some of you may know me as Red Mage. Either way you know me, lol.
  • I am not a lier, nor am I two-faced. I would rather tell you the hurtful truth than lie to you to make you feel better. I stand firmly by my opinions on things and I don't change them unless I get proved wrong in whatever my opinion is about.
  • I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs at all. I have had it offered many times and I have always said no. I don't see the point in wasting money to kill yourself.
  • I act myself, I don't put an act on for anyone. Personally if someone doesn't like the way how I act, then they don't need to talk to me, I don't care because I don't know them and they don't have the right to judge me.
  • I am a good listener, if you have something you want to talk to me about I will listen to everything you have to say and give you the best advice I can and try to work stuff out.