
Profil de SailorTime

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Alright! My first introduction update! Yay! Well, here it goes!



12:00 Am - 6:30 Am:

Not Active

6:45 Am - 6:50 Am:

Check Up On Notifications

6:51 AM - 10:05 Am:

Not Active

10:10 Am - 2:46 Pm

Monitoring My Account From Any Computer I Can Find

2:47 Pm - 3:10 Pm

Not Active

3:15 Pm - 6:00 Pm

Watching Flipnotes, Making Flipnotes, Active

6:01 Pm - 6:30 Pm

Not Active

6:31 Pm - 9:30 Pm Making Flipnotes, Monitoring account

9:31 Pm - 11:59 Pm

Monitoring Flipnote Account


ALWAYS ON! Maybe...


I love anime and manga. Drawing and Singing are the only things I'm good at.

Here are my favs!

Animal- Cats

Anime- Sailor Moon

Movie- professor Lauton and the Enternal Diva

T.V Show- Adventure Time

Candy- Dark Chocolate

Food- Donut

Color- Purple

Book/Manga- Legend of Zelda Four Swords

Subject- Art/ E.L.A

I enjoy rainy days which is why I like spring. I make a ton of P.V's and I change my icon every month!

When I grow up I want to be a manga/comic artist, and/or a novelist