
Profilo di Sakurafur

ProfiloUltimo aggiornamento:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

I, Saky, have a life. I know all of you have lives too, but I think you guys are spending too much time on your DSis and you need to sleep, eat, hang out with friends, be with family, HAVE A LIFE!!!!! We were put on this planet for a reason, and it's NOT to play on your DSi ALL THE TIME. I'm sorry, but I will not be on as much. For I have a life, school, family, friends outside from electronics, and with school, I NEED SLEEP!!!!! I have a tough life with adv. math, band, art, and everything else, and I don't have time for playing on my DSi all the time. So, now I would like to say, I am sorry I am not posting stuff or chatting at night, but I need sleep. I am truly sorry to both Bluie and Scourgie. See ya, if your lucky. . .