
Shylo's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

hey there ppl!!

Age: 10 3/4

Gender: girl/ female (whatever)

Personality: Hyper, a little crazy, anime freak, tomboy, friendly, smart-ish, annoying, spazzy XD, epic (lol), solitary (sometimes), emotional (sometimes), good drawer (at least my friends think tht), fun, social (at times), gamer, prone to getting sick XD (im actually sick now as i write this lol), wild, strong, aggressive (most of the time), herpderp.

Status: eh.. unknown :L

Likes: Pokemon, Bakugan, Beyblade, Anime/Manga, computers, tv, DSi, drawing, sketching, owls, wolves, lions, dogs, sharks, wild animals, ice cream, caramel, epic faces, magic, Sonic, pie (lol)

about me and my drawings XD: i usually draw anime/manga but im tryin different types of drawing too such as sonic characters,wolves, and cartoons. i prefer to draw on paper only cuz its easier to me, but i find lots of fun in messing around with the paints and stuff in flipnote studio with my drawings. im a pretty decent drawer. most of the time i like what i draw.. everyone i know is always tellin me tht i draw very good for my age, but i kno i still got a long way to go. im currently learning japanese b/c when im older i plan to become a successful artist and ill try to make enough money to take my 2 anime-loving friends and i to japan. there i plan to learn more about japan and its arts, mostly anime and manga. im using the japanese lessons by a great and talented creator named koo, and im greatful tht he made those lessons b/c they're very helpful. im also progressing in my drawing skills. im slowly developing my own drawing style and using the knowledge of anime that i already know and using drawing and anime tutorials that i find on flipnote hatena. im so happy i haz a dsi :3 its EPICALLY AWSHUM!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD

also thx to my friend ~づ.あ.™~ (id:DevastatingArtist)

cuz hes my very first fwiend and fan on hatena and im greatful for tht. hes a great drawer and friend :3 check out his flipnotes!

eh thts all i got XD *out of ideas to put here*