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I'm not really active here. Sorry >_> I want to be! But I hate drawing on my DSi. /cries

Also, I'm moving, so no internet for a while.

About Me:

First thing you should know is that I'm a big European mutt living in America. I'm on my intermediate lessons in Italian, and know how to carry a conversation. I'm quite confident in my drawing skills and I refuse to be brought down by anyone that insults it. I play the clarinet, cello (I'm not taking lessons anymore), piano and my vocals cords. I want to compose someday, and master as many instruments as I can. I like all music (rap doesn't count), and I don't believe in discriminating against certain types because of its origin or its lyrics. The language doesn't matter to me! Just enjoy the music!

Visit me on deviantART: sceneravegirl.deviantart.com