
TheMewluver's Profile

ProfileLast updated:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

Hi! My name is Alyssa. I've been practicing drawing for 3 years. I also enjoy writing. Both are ways for me to channel my emotions and show people how I feel. I can express the real me through these actions. I love to draw/write, and I hope I can continue to do these for the rest of my life

Dear BriBri Boo, don't call me a B***** again or I will report you. There's a help section you know ^-^ By the way, you're blocked from commenting on my flipnotes. So go pick on somebody that's dumber than you.. oh right, not possible.

Dear Hatena, I may be fiesty but I stand up for what is right. You may not, but I see tons of bullying go on. I honestly don't believe you do anything to stop it. I wish you'd step up. If you can visit Japan, why can't you do something as simple as edit the rules or so?
