
Usagi14's Profile

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Hatena ID
Self introduction

Im Usagi but I go by bun, moon or bunny also. I'm 14, and my B-day is July 6...Um, I have a DA but nothings posted <_<... um my fav food is watermelon, fav animals are wolves and guinea pigs <3 Im on hatena about every day and post usually a flip or two a week~ My fav book is Pandora Hearts and I also love Yotsuba and Chibi Vampire and Vampire Kisses and Time Guardian and Tsubasa (there are more), I don't watch any animes though...

Hey, I'm back! I've been gone since April... because of lack of motivation, I found out I wasn't the only one that left around the same time or about a month earlier... um I have some flips, not as good as my old ones, mainly since I don't put as much effort in to them...I'll be posting again soon!