
Xdsbs Profil

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Hello. My name is X. I was born on 7/2/1996. I am male. I also have a Drivers license. I am new here,but I've had my DSi XL since June 3 2010. So I've learned from other flipnotes and creators so I can make better flipnotes I own a SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Gameboy SP, DS (damaged), PS2, wii, and a windows XP Computer(thats alot off stuff). My favorate game series is Megaman. I also like the Mario games and sonic the hedgehog. My favorate TV shows are: Walker Texas Ranger(comes on CLOO) Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Total Drama series, Adventure Time, reguler show, and theres too many to name! On Total Drama Revenge of the Island, my favorate charater on there is Dawn for some Reason. I guess its because she looks peasefull all the time. I joined Hatena to become a Spriter. Recently I've been workin on some Mega Man sprites such as Freeze Man and Treble. During the School year I'm not allowed to play my DSi on the weekdays except friday. I think that is just completely dumb, because Mom tells me it interferes with my grades. I study, do my homework and all that and do stuff afterwards. What does that have to do with my grades? Its just a dumb rule I have to live with until I convince mom to stop it. Ok back on the subject. I'm not star beggin here, but I work really hard on my flipnotes and I don't want feel like I'm not all that good. So please if you would add 1000 stars or more on some of my flipnotes. Thank you.