
Zekos Profil

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Hi! My name is Zeko! :)

My 3 fav Creators are: Pocho, Goop, and Chaos Girl

Soon I will Be making a new Zombie comic, I hope you will enjoy it.

My purpose here is simply to entertain, and have a way of self expression. Most of my flips will have techno in them. I encourage comments, for I enjoy reading peoples critique on my work.

My hobbies are: (if anyone cares :p)

Drawing, Writing peoms (not the rhyming kind)

Hanging out with my friends


Playing Xbox LIVE (my gamertag is BuriedMist16) (the only game i have so far is Black Ops)

Laughing at peoples jokes

Standing up for my friends



blah blah blah

Usually I'm pretty optimistic. Its rare to catch me in a bad mood, but when I am, its easy to aggravate me...


I hope you enjoy my flips :D