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Do not turn the water up too high when in the shower or the bath. It can cause problems for your eczema. In Herpa Greens Reviews addition, be gentle when washing your skin. Do not rub the skin too hard, and avoid soap. Instead, use a cleanser that is safer for your body.

Only use PABA-free sun blocks. This ingredient can cause issues for people that have eczema. Check the list of ingredients thoroughly, even if the label says it is free of PABA. If you aren't sure about what to use, you can speak with a doctor to get a prescription sunscreen.

Try to be aware of anything that triggers your eczema. Flare ups of eczema can be particularly unpleasant. It is important to know what makes your eczema worse. Do scented soaps or lotions aggravate your skin? Make note of anything that causes your eczema to flare up, and make a point to avoid it.

Learn what triggers your eczema. Some people get flare up from dust mites, cosmetics, and certain foods. Even things like grass, soaps, and perfumes can cause flare-ups. Some items can trigger symptoms in almost all eczema sufferers like fragrances and cleaning products. When you learn what items make your symptoms worse, try to stay away from them.