
bonjovifan23s Profil

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Hatena ID

my 1st name is marshall. i looooooooove hatena and want to try to stop everything ruining it.i dont steal flips. i dont false report. those are horrible things to do. i love making music videos of shows i find on tv. i havent been on hatena very long but i have been making flips in flipnote studio for a loooooooooooooooong time. maby even a YEAR. as you may or may not be aware of, im starting a new rpg. you know, the adventures of mr.m and mr.l. MARK MY WORDS,IT WILL BE EPICNEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!

last updated, 06/2/11.

well, today i'm out for summer vacation. next year will be my first year in middle school. anyway, paper wario and the adventures of mr.m and mr.l rpg are being delayed until further notice. guys, hang in there. i'm having idea overload and all these ideas are just too good to pass up. i have almost 6 or 7 flips just waiting to be started. what's the result? i slow down, i stop posting, i procasinate, and things get delayed. it's sorta like a backwards artist's block. well, i'm done typing this for now.

last updated: july 17th 2011 at 8:01: yay! i'm doing a sprite collab with a spriter known only as juliantm! this is fun! i'm also excited because i got picked to be in hatena war! i'm Happeh!

Last updated: 1/1/11

As you may or may not of heard, I am quitting sometime this year and moving to YouTube or newgrounds and start animating with flash. Some of my reasons for doing this are: hatena's site is glitching for me, I don't like all the bratty 6-8 year olds on here, scams, check my new years flipnote for more info. I guess this is goodbye for now