




come to my chat rooms if you would like to know about either about Hatena Heroes that are honest great creators who do only original ideas and don't steal or star beg that would appreciate having anyone to admire their creations and are here just to share there ideas with the world. or to here about any Hatena villains you should watch out for ones who STAR-BEG, STEAL FLIPS, POST RUDE COMMENTS, or FALSE REPORT ON PURPOSE that either you or myself may know about help me out by spreading the word about anybody you may know that is either a Hero so that they can be appreciated from being honest or about the Villains so we can help to clean up Hatena and be rid of these nasty devious people.

Thank you for your support and i'd like to say thanks to all of my fans as well as id like to say i appreciate your stars but i'm not here to be popular i'm here to have fun and share my creations with the world and to help pursue my dream of becoming an animator when i grow up

i'd like to say that i am going to delete all of my stolen and starbegging flips to make my profile much better and stay true to myself.

So once again i thank you my fans and every other honest creator out there and i'd like to thank the the creators of Hatena for making an awesome app for the Nintendo DSI that allows us to do so.


RocWolf The Hunter

PS: Follow Me On Twitter


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