Clock Parts Antique

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Clock Inserts & Fit Ups for Quick Showpieces

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Clock Parts Antique

Clock Inserts & Fit Ups for Quick Showpieces


Clock inserts & fit ups are shortcuts for clockmakers who want to develop timepieces showing high qualities nearly comparable to ones built from scratch. Clock inserts & fit ups are two terms for the exact same thing, describing preassembled units that are well pushed into a hole drilled in a situation. An usual intention for such an approach is to focus one's power on the frame itself as opposed to on putting together timekeeping parts.

Clock fit ups & inserts have specific limitations, so they undoubtedly aren't for every person. The main drawback is that all the parts are preselected, consisting of hands, dials, motion, bezels, and lenses. You can not make substitutions to prevent an unpleasant combination.

clock dial face fit ups