
Profilo di crablegs

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Self introduction

Hi, I am Lyric Adams. Some of you no me by the names of Sinister, JT+LYRIC, Lyric, Jade, $€×Ï Lady, or ''Baby''. I live in California. I just moved to California 5 months ago i lived in the state of Michigan. I am Irish, French, Calidian, Native American, and Mexican aka Mexicana. I am in Cheerleading, Dance, and Gymnastics. I am in Vocal Music [ Vocal Music is Choir ]. I am the QUEEN of DRAMA CLUB! I want to be an actoriss when i am older. I am 14 almost 15 yrs. old! I love dogs. My fav. t.v. show is Degrassi on teen nick. My fav. movie is Twilght! I am a TWILIGHT FREAK! My fav. food is Crablegs and Fish. I luv the color pink. I love seafood. I live in a big house on the lake i have a butler and a maid. I have a mini fridge in my room full of water, tea, apple sauce, and sandwiches. I have a trampoline,pool w\ waterslide, and i have a boat. I hope you got to know some thing about me.LOL!


Lyric Adams