



Hello little piglets

im gonna give a some info about myself.

my name is Leish for you guys who don't know.

I absolutely don't care about stars or views... if your here in hatena for that ..ur here for the wrong reasons ... which I believe

age:16yrs old

birthday: February 16,....

favorite number:13

favorite colors: blue,red,black and white

relationship status: taken... by my asome amazing boyfriend who I am lucky to be with .....(i love you so much baby)

my appearance xDD

eyes:brown to black big eyes


natural hair color:black current:different shades of red

height:4'11 i'm fun sized ..lol fun to eat

dreams: since i was small i always dream to go to japan and and have my own company as big as Walt Disney and FUNimation and become one of the best cartoonist ever alive.

be in the top 100 in hatena.

lowest rank : 183

dislikes: stars beggars, false reporters, mayonnaise,M&Ms,being grounded

likes: ALWAYS LISTENING TO MY MUSIC xD,anything cute, learning or studying new cultures...SPAM (a Spanish canned sweet meat from GOYA) xD and bubble baths :D

..cheering up my friends n cherishing em close..i made so many friends here and family

i give thanks to all my fans .. Ty so much..:D

blah blah blah

wow poop i made this sound boring

BYE love ya furry unicorns