Eden S. Pyrope

Profilo di Eden S. Pyrope

Digital artist.

ProfiloUltimo aggiornamento:

Hatena ID
Eden S. Pyrope

Digital artist.

Self introduction

Hello. I'd prefer that you call me Eden; the name of my fursona who leads a crew off of Hatena. I'm not exactly new to Flipnote, but yes, this is a new account. I had to re-make an account because of an issue while transferring my account to another DSi or something...

I'm not really someone who animates, but I do enjoy sketching with my DSi because of the stylus. I've been saving up for a Wacom Bamboo, actually. c:

My DeviantART account is Unoriginalitys-Oasis.deviantart.com , and my crew's Xat/hangout is xat.com/Oddities (don't be offended if we kick you out). Thank you, and goodbye.


female, not feminine


twelve years


May 5, 2000

Blood type

I believe that it is either O negative or O positive...

Current mood


Website #1 unoriginalitys-oasis.deviantart.com
Website #2 www.oasisroleplay.webs.com
Website #3 www.xat.com/Oddities
