
Perfil de eminem51

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Self introduction

Ok so this is CandyFox's new account but my other one WILL NOT BE DELETED! So if you want more info just search up darkwolf213 k? I won't put so much detail into this one but...i will try to put all of it up today.

So this is my UPDATED version of my "bio" :D

Series! I'm making a new ANIMATED SERIES!So keep a lookout for that ok?

UPDATE! I'm thinking of having an icon contest....but there's a catch...it would have to include YuseixAkiza....i don't care how you draw them whether their in human,sonic,cat or any other form as long as their decent ok? ALL OCS EXCEPT FROST AND RICKY ARE SINGLE! So here's my Oc's :D


~Sassy the Fox

~Keyoha the cat

~Frost the Husky (Dating Deca-Leopard DC's OC)

~Jake the Wolf

~Ricky the HedgeCat (Dating Mark- ->Destina<-'s OC)

~Cole the Hedgehog

~Gypsy the Cafly

~Stacy the Hedgehog

~Emma the Hedgehog

~Mara the cat (Thanks ->Destina<-)

~Ruby the Cabbit

~Rogue the Cabbit

~Sparky the Cat

~Cloud the Wolf

~Firema the Bat

~Spike the Hedgehog

~Flames the Hedgehog

~Emily the Cat

~Ivy the Rabbit

~Cody the Fox(Sassy's big bro)

~Ri-Ri the Cat

~Sabrina the Wolf

~Zack the Mouse

~Ash the Wolf

~Clara the Panda

~Visor the Flamkrat

~Bruno the Flamekrat

~Lilly the Wolf (Thanks Snoopy)

~Luke(Male form of Sassy)

~Martin(Frosts big bro)

~Candy the Cat

~Bramble the Doe (Doe =female deer) NEW!

So i have lots of Sonic OC's....




LOL 2 humans XD




~SnowPaw NEW

~HailPelt NEW

Imma just say my CLOSEST FRIENDS k? Just so i don't make anyone feel left out :D







~My Bro






OK so enough typing...my shoulder is killing me.....just a little more....XD

Name: Sassy

Age: 17

Birthday: 24/4


Crush: Furoko

Likes: Sweets, kids, horror movies/books, writing poetry/stories, taking photo's

Dislikes: Scammers', star beggers, players, cheaters, stealers, ect. hates keyoha

Personality: anger issues, tempermental, unstable, emotional, sweet to poeple she knows and kids, hyper-active

Species: Fox

Relationship staus: Single

Name: Cole


Birthday: 7/25

Zodiac: Leo

Crush: no one.....

Likes: dark places, sour candy, hiking, outdoorsy stuff.

Dislikes: the same things as my other OC's.

Personality: depressed, controlled anger, warm heart, emotional at times , heartbroken

Species: Hedgecat

relationship staus: single and alone

Name: Frost

Age: 19



Crush:Ricky (she gotta get ova him -.-)

Likes:Sweethearts, flirting, making friends,

Dislikes: Mark(once again she has to get ova Ricky's new relationship)

Personality:tempermental, quiet, intelligent, flirty, depends on other people, looks sad but almost never is, can be sweet.


Relationship staus: Dating Deca (Leopard*'s oc)

Name: Ricky

Age: 18 3/4

Birthday: 30/4


Crush: Mark XD

Likes:sweet candy, coffee, music,

Dislikes: Frost, and the same as my other OC's

Personality: sweet, rarely gets angry, soft hearted, emotional, gets hurt a lot, risk taker at times

Species: Cat

Relationship staus: Currently dating Mark (Free~Fire's OC :D)

Name: Cloud





Likes: Rain, miserable weather, the color black,horror genre's, sad poems,

Dislikes: people with mushy feelings for each other, loud obnoxious people, flirty ppl, sunny days,stealers, ect.

Personality: quiet, violent outbursts, tempermental, unstable, depressed on sunny happy days

Species: arctic grey wolf

Relationship status: happily single

I also have a deviantart account!

user: darkangel9110

sadly it only has things i made online from games but....i assure you...there will soon be more items like poems, stories, pictures. So yea.....i think that's all.....

Candy Fox