
godailyprebioticad's Profile

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Avoid constricting clothes if you suffer from heartburn. You can suffer heartburn problems wearing clothes that fit too tight. These clothes can put pressure on your abdominal area and stomach, pushing acids up to your throat, leading to uncomfortable heartburn. Your clothes should be comfortable and loose, and avoid tightening your belt excessively.

Before sleeping, don't eat big meals. It is a good idea to avoid foods for about three hours before you hit the sack. The extra acids that are caused by the food breaking down may cause heartburn if you lie down on a full tummy.

In order to prevent the onset of an acid reflux attack, you should cut down on the size of your meals. It has been found that eating large meals, no matter the content, is a potential cause of acid reflux. Your body is only able to digest so much food at one time and acid reflux is a sign that you may be eating more than your body can handle.

