
itisgirana's Profile

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Self introduction

ßÖÖ†\ §HÅKììÑG H£ÅR† ßR£ÅKììÑG MÅD HÖ†† Ñ£V£R §†ÖP §HÖR† §KììR† LÖV£ †Ö FLììRT †ììGH† J£ÅÑSZ V£R\ M£ÅÑ HììGH CLŧ§ NììC£ ŧ§ §HÅKììN †HY§ CÅNDY £Y£§ LUCììÖU§ LììP§ KììLL£R Kì짧 T£LL M£ CÅN YÖU HÅNDL£ THìì§?

Self introduction

Is it a kind of dream,

Floating out on the tide,

Following the river of death downstream?

Oh, is it a dream?

There's a fog along the horizon,

A strange glow in the sky.

And nobody seems to know where you go.

And what does it mean?

Oh, is it a dream?

Bright eyes,

Burning like fire.

Bright eyes,

How can you close and fail?

How can the light that burned so brightly

Suddenly burn so pale?

Bright eyes.

Is it a kind of shadow,

Reaching into the night,

Wandering over the hills unseen?

Or is it a dream?

There's a high wind in the trees,

A cold sound in the air.

And nobody ever knows when you go.

And where do you start,

Oh, into the dark?

Bright eyes,

Burning like fire.

Bright eyes,

How can you close and fail?

How can the light that burned so brightly

Suddenly burn so pale?

Bright eyes.

Bright eyes,

Burning like fire.

Bright eyes,

How can you close and fail?

How can the light that burned so brightly

Suddenly burn so pale?

Bright eyes....

The song is so tranquil.... and it makes you think... it's a very emotional song... By Mike Batt... it's from the movie Water Ship Down... so is it really a dream...? it feels so hazy right now... i cant even remember details from yesterday its so confusing....