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- Hatena ID
- koumichristchurch
- Spitzname
- モリアオガエル牧師
- Beschreibung
- Vorstellung
2016年4月より苫小牧福音教会牧師・北海道聖書学院 組織神学・現代神学担当
Mizukusa, Shuji
Born in Kobe, Japan in 1958, he was devoted to the tree frogs in junior high and high school, and was baptized at the age of 19. 20 years old, he was moved by the love of the cross of Christ and committed to devotion. 21 years old in May, he received a call to be an evangelist. He studied philosophy as a preparation for theology at Tsukuba University and Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School.He graduated from Tokyo Christian Theological Seminary.
Pastor of Tomakomai Evangelical Church and in charge of systematic theology and contemporary theology at Hokkaido Bible Institute since April 2016.
Debuted as a nose flute player in May 2019.