

If you are following a healthy diet



If you are following a healthy diet


and are not following the proper portioning guides, you are likely taking in too little or too much of certain foods in one meal. Learning the proper portions will help you stay fit.

If your child is allergic to peanuts or attends a peanut-free daycare or school, try alternative sandwich spreads made from soybeans,Liberator x2 reviews sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews or other tasty pulses. These butters are not only good for sandwiches, but make a great substitute for peanut butter in recipes for candies, cookies and more.

It is important to understand food labels and claims. A product that states it is fat-free, doesn't necessarily mean it is also low in calories. Along those same lines, a product that is labeled as low-carb or low-sugar does not mean it is low in calories or fat. Make sure to read the nutrition label on food packaging.