
Profil de maplerdoodoo

ProfilDernière mise à jour:

Hatena ID
Self introduction

General Information

Bird name: Pheonix

Species: Falcon

Clan: mountain clan

Rank/ Social status:

Mentor: None

I have a whole new RP thing coming out soon but it's currently still in discussion. Personally I think I draw birds better than cats. Thank you for all the support my fans have given to help me get here.



With a new RP series coming out, I have been waiting to become a flipnote citizen so I can make a channel to post it on. I have a few flipnotes in the making including a "Book Of Cats" except for the new animals instead of just cats. At this second I only have an icon and something I made upon getting my new Nintendo Dsi XL.


Other Things That Are Here Just Because They Are

1. Lasagna is the BEST food in the world

2. Swiss chocolate is better than lasagna depending on how I'm feeling

3. If you don't like kittehs then you have issues with a capital ♣

4. If you don't like birdies then you have issues with a capital ♠

5. chopsticks are AWESOME

6. This news column is totally pointless

7. If you are still reading this you are desperate for entertainment

8. Goodbye