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How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science, 12 tips to help you lose weight

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How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science, 12 tips to help you lose weight

Self introduction

To lose weight and lose belly, changing habits and lifestyle can be very effective, and can help in losing up to 2 kg per week depending on the initial weight. However, for this to happen, the strategies adopted must be followed daily.

In addition, if the person is in a process of weight loss, it is advised not to be on the scale every day to check if they gained weight or lost weight, as this generates anxiety and can interfere with the process. The ideal is to weigh yourself only once a week, always at the same time, and take into account if you are having your period, in the case of women, because this week it is normal to be a little more swollen, which reflects on the scale.

1. Eat slowly and respect the body’s satiety

Eating slowly allows the satiated stomach to let the brain know that it has had enough food. This signal occurs before the stomach is full, and should be interpreted as the body telling you that it doesn’t need any more food right now. However, those who are in the habit of eating quickly do not notice this sign of satiety, in addition to reducing the time of contact with food and the pleasure of enjoying the meal better.

Respecting satiety is one of the main points to lose weight and avoid weight gain. Satiating the stomach with food rich in nutrients and fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, meat in general, and good fats, makes the metabolism work better and keeps hunger at bay for longer.

2. Drink more water during the day

You should drink plenty of fluids between meals, as this will help reduce hunger and fluid retention because the more water you drink, the more urine your body produces, and with your elimination also toxins that impair weight loss come out.

  • What you can drink: water, coconut water, natural juices without added sugar (package juices do not work), teas without sugar;
  • What you cannot drink: soft drinks, canned or powdered juices, chocolate drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

The recommended amount of water needed varies between 1.5 and 3 liters per day.

3. Get some exercise

The type of exercise is not the most important, but the regularity of the practice, which should be done at least 3 times a week. Plus, some daily activities and choices can make all the difference, so try it out:

  • Going upstairs instead of using the elevator;
  • Get off at a stop before work or school and walk the rest of the way;
  • Go for a 10 min walk after lunch;
  • Take the dog for a walk at night.

Contrary to what most people believe, all types of exercise help you lose weight, not just aerobics like walking, cycling, and jogging. Weight training also helps to lose weight and also brings the advantage of increasing muscle mass, which improves metabolism and accelerates the weight loss process.

4. Eat everything but a small amount

The body needs all the nutrients and diets that completely ban carbohydrates make the weight gain again a short time later. So the best tips are:

  • Avoid the consumption of simple sugar in the daily routine, drinking coffee, milk, yogurts, teas, and unsweetened juices;
  • Add 1 tablespoon of seeds to juices and yogurts such as flaxseed, sesame, and chia;
  • Eat 5 nuts or 10 peanuts a day;
  • Choose only one carbohydrate source per meal, preferably from natural foods: fruits, potatoes, brown rice, beans, lentils, corn, and peas;
  • Eat raw salad before lunch and dinner;
  • Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil at lunch and dinner;
  • Avoid eating after being satiated;
  • Avoid eating out of craving or emotions such as anxiety and sadness.

Even in small amounts during the day, fruits and vegetables provide a lot of fiber and vitamins and, therefore, they are a source of health and help you lose weight and lose belly.

5. Avoid getting too hungry

Going long hours without eating can cause you to choose bad, high-calorie foods instead of preparing a good meal. So, to avoid or hold back hunger until you have a nutritious meal, some tips are:

  • Always have half a handful in the bag nuts, peanuts, fresh fruit, coconut chips, or dried fruit;
  • At work, leave 1 whole natural yogurt in the fridge;
  • Use vegetable-based snacks when you get home while preparing dinner: carrot sticks, cucumber with mashed avocado and season with salt and pepper, tomato in large cubes with a pinch of salt and oil, coconut chips, or 1 hard-boiled egg.

If it’s not possible to have any meals throughout the day, simply focus on maintaining the quality of the next meal and use these small snacks in case hunger strikes. Gradually it is possible to learn that most of the time it is not about hunger, but anxiety to eat.

6. Write down everything you eat

Writing down everything you eat throughout the day is also a good strategy to lose weight, as this way the person can be more aware of what they eat and, in this way, can identify mistakes and where to improve, being able to change their eating habits to lose weight, if that is the wish, and have a healthier life.

It is recommended that registration be done daily and after each meal, as this makes it easier to remember what was consumed. In the food diary, it is important to indicate the type of meal, whether lunch, breakfast, snack, or dinner, the time of the meal, the food consumed and quantity, where the meal took place, and if something was being done at the time. In addition, it should be registered with whom the meal was made and what the mood was at that moment. This record should be done for 3 to 7 days so that it is possible to have a better idea of ​​what the eating habits are.

After registration, it is important to analyze all food choices together with a nutritionist, as this way it is possible to identify errors and establish strategies to achieve the desired goal. In addition, the nutritionist indicates the best foods so that the person does not have nutritional deficiencies and can healthily lose weight.

How to lose weight with health

If it seems that losing weight is very difficult, it is important to consult an endocrinologist to analyze if the body’s hormonal production is adequate and go to a nutritionist to receive guidance and a specific meal plan for your case, your eating habits, and your life routine.

In cases where there is a health problem, such as gastritis, asthma, osteoporosis, or even just a limitation of mobility, the guidance, and advice of doctors, to reconcile the diet with the use of medication and with the proper adaptation to the disease, is fundamental for it to be possible to lose weight improving the quality of life, and not the other way around.

Bike loses weight: learn how to lose weight by pedaling

That a bike loses weight is nothing new. Performing any type of activity that involves physical effort will help the body to consume more energy. Something that contributes to caloric expenditure and helps with weight loss. After all, the weight loss calculation is simple: it is necessary to spend more than you consume. Therefore, a diet without exaggeration and regular physical activities can already promote fat loss.

But, one way to maximize results is to optimize your workouts so that they consume as many calories as possible. Care is just about knowing what your limits are and respecting them. Bike workouts are great weight-loss tools and fit with all types of cyclists: beginners, intermediates, or advanced.

“The optimization of caloric loss is possible thanks to the possibility of increasing the intensity of the exercise, increasing the frequency, which the bike provides”, says physical educator Ronaldo Martinelli. In addition, pedaling can also generate moments of pleasure, with the feeling of freedom associated with the release of hormones, such as endorphins. And, to top it off, it also helps tone your legs.

There are plenty of reasons to start cycling and lose weight in good health. Check below how different practices of the sport can encourage the loss of body weight:

Beginners – Exercise Bike

One way to keep your body always active without having to leave the house is to bet on exercise bikes. They are also great options to complement your weight training at the gym. A practical, safe and effective tool. “In the treadmill, you lose weight. In addition to strengthening the heart and the muscles of the legs, she is responsible for maintaining good posture”, says physical educator Juliana Romanini.

Intermediates – Spinning

After getting used to the stationary bike, going on the power bike is a good way to increase intensity. The more strenuous the exercise performed, the greater the caloric expenditure and weight loss. So, if your goal is to lose weight, good old spinning can be a solution. According to coach Gustavo Berkhout, the activity is interesting for interspersing high heart rate peaks with lighter moments.

“And it is also important to focus on the correct movement technique to enhance the training. It’s no use increasing the intensity if the pedaling quality is bad. This can lead to injuries,” explains Berkhout.

Advanced – Mountain Bike

Tired of cycling indoors? It’s time to go out on the street. A good option is to go to less crowded places, with the presence of nature and wind in your face. Feeling all the freedom that the bike can provide is very nice, but for the training to be effective for weight loss, it is necessary to have intensity. For this, the gear system can be a good effort perception tool.

“For the training to be profitable, it is also important to take into account the time and intensity of the exercise, according to a scale from 1 to 10”, explains coach Gilberto Ambrogi. According to Martinelli, an alternative is to bet on steep terrain, variations in pace, speed, and cadence.

Difference between losing weight and losing weight

Do you know the difference between losing weight and losing weight?

Not everyone knows it, but there is a huge difference.

The weight loss process involves several factors, whose main motivations are directly related to health and well-being. Weight loss, on the other hand, is linked to the number that appears on the scale, disregarding body composition.

You can lose weight and not lose it, just as you can lose weight without losing weight. So, it is clear that they are definitely not the same thing!

Losing weight means decreasing body mass. This action will make a difference in the numbers seen on the scale and possibly when wearing your clothes.

Most people are very happy when this happens. However, losing weight is not always really a feat to be celebrated. The reason for this is that, when losing weight, you may be losing only lean mass without changing the level of fat present in your body. That means losing muscle mass and fluids but still keeping body fat.

In this situation, we can see that your percentage of fat — about the total mass — has increased. In other words, even if you lost weight, you didn’t lose weight. Worse than that is the realization that your health can suffer serious damage due to the proportional increase in body fat. Liver steatosis (fatty liver), type 2 diabetes, and heart disease are some diseases related to fat gain. Therefore, losing weight without assessing your body composition is very harmful to your health!

But after all, what does it mean to lose weight?

Weight loss means reducing excess body fat. By practicing physical activities and acquiring healthy eating habits, you will have a reduction in your weight provided by the loss of body fat. On the other hand, your body will gain muscle, lose volume, but your weight may not change. As a percentage, your body will have less fat and your health will improve.

Thus, when we think about slimming and losing weight, slimming is a healthier goal than simply losing the numerical balance.

Is it possible to lose weight healthily?

No doubt! Now that it has become clearer that there is a difference between weight loss and weight loss, it is important to emphasize that healthily losing weight is absolutely possible. However, most cases require professional monitoring by a multidisciplinary team so that everything is done in the best possible way.

One of the first and most important steps for healthy weight loss is dietary re-education associated with regular physical activity. Professional help is highly recommended so that you are aware of your main needs, know your limits and stay focused on your goal. When we rely on professional help, we have more chances of success.

Also, seeking expert professional help can open your mind on how to permanently acquire new habits.

Is it difficult to lose weight? See the best tips to speed up your metabolism

Hi, my people of AnaMaria! First of all, it is important to say that the scale is not the best resource for this calculation, as it measures both body fat and water and muscle weight. Those who practice weight training, for example, gain muscle mass and lose fat, not always resulting in a big difference on the scale. However, the mirror doesn’t lie, because muscle is denser than fat, that is, visually a person can look thinner, even though the weight of the scale hasn’t reduced as much.

To equate this bill of gaining muscle and losing fat, you need a basic combination of foods rich in nutrients and proteins, but low in carbohydrates and sugars, combined with physical activity combined with aerobic (cardiorespiratory) and strength (the famous weight training) exercises.

The great thing about weight loss happens when the lean mass increases, which ends up forcing the acceleration of the metabolism since it needs to burn more calories to maintain the acquired muscles. This means that muscle takes up less space in the body than fat – and that account has to be closed.

The same calculation applies to the diet: 100 calories from a can of soda is different from 100 calories from a banana, for example. Therefore, it is not enough to just cut numbers from the diet, as losing weight due to fat is very different from losing weight due to lean mass.

Now, the real truth: to eliminate a measly kilo of fat, it is necessary to burn, on average, 7,700 calories! In practice, about physical exercise, this corresponds to approximately 20 hours of walking very fast. See why the account doesn’t close and how difficult it is to lose fat?


Doing weight training: In addition to burning a significant amount of calories during the activity itself, it speeds up the metabolism and keeps the body burning calories throughout the day, even when we are at rest. This is because the body uses more energy to recover muscle fibers that are injured during training.

Staying active throughout the day: Standing instead of sitting can burn between 20 and 50 more calories per hour. Practical examples include taking calls while walking, getting up to get a glass of water while working, switching from the elevator to the stairs, getting up to change the TV channel without using the remote control, and so on.

Make smart changes: Some small substitutions in everyday life can help you lose weight, such as changing coffee sugar for the habit of drinking it bitter, whole milk for skimmed milk, box juice for natural sugar-free, mayonnaise for mustard, the ham for the shredded chicken breast, the conventional yogurt for the 0% fat, and so on.

Do you have the illusion of losing weight just by using medications to lose weight?

Weight-loss drugs should be included in the treatment of obesity when the patient is not just responding to lifestyle changes.

According to the Ministry of Health, these substances should only be indicated for adults with a BMI equal to or greater than 30.

Do you have the illusion of losing weight just by using medications to lose weight?

Yes, this is an illusion! Medication should not simply replace changing habits and lifestyles. In addition to not being a healthy exchange, the results are proven to be inferior to a treatment in which the use of medication is complementary to a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

In addition, these drugs need to be recommended by a physician, who should evaluate each patient’s case before prescribing them. In general, weight-loss drugs are included in the treatment of obesity when the patient is not just responding to a change in lifestyle. In this way, they serve to potentiate the effects of the new diet and exercise routine.

The drugs are effective in suppressing appetite as well as promoting a feeling of satiety. However, it should be noted that there are several formulas and not all of them are effective for all patients. Furthermore, they can pose several serious health risks, which is why it is important to consult with a specialist before introducing any medications into your daily life.

The main side effects of slimming drugs:

They can be very mild, such as nausea, psychological and/or gastrointestinal changes, for example – or very serious, such as cardiovascular and pulmonary problems, depression, among others. The list of implications, however, is extensive:

• Insomnia;
• Feeling of dry mouth;
• Anxiety;
• Constipation or diarrhea;
• Change in heart rate;
• Pulmonary hypertension;
• Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA).

Such consequences may also be associated with the doses administered and the contraindications that each medication may represent for certain patients.

It is noteworthy that some consequences of the indiscriminate use of these drugs may appear when suspending their consumption. This is because each formula has a specification as to how to administer it. It is quite common for people to simply stop taking the drug when they reach the desired weight, regaining a few pounds. One more problem with not following medical guidelines.

In conclusion…

Medications are not the villains of obesity treatment, nor are their heroines. This is because they do not work miracles and must be used with medical advice and follow-up, to adapt the substances, after a thorough assessment of the individual’s health status.

The final results, considering all aspects and not only weight loss, but health and quality of life, depend on a plan that puts in practice a low-calorie diet and daily physical activities. Medications should only be added to therapy as a supplemental strategy.

Want to lose weight? Avoid these 5 foods at night

Is your goal to lose weight? In addition to consulting experts to get what you are looking for healthily, there is another crucial measure for you to keep an eye on, which concerns the type of food you eat at night. Depending on what you eat at this time, losing weight can get even more challenging.

In fact, consuming certain foods at night can make you restless; set you to overeat the next day, and lower your fat-burning hormones.

And sleepless nights reduce your body’s insulin sensitivity and muscle-boosting human growth hormone levels while increasing your levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to 2015 research published in Diabetology. Terrible, right?

So if you want to reach your weight loss goal faster, start by avoiding these five foods at night:

Bitter chocolate

It sounds like a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth before bed, but it’s exactly what you don’t want before bed: caffeine, theobromine (another stimulant), and sugar. And while the first two may only disrupt your sleep, the latter can directly sabotage your weight-loss effort. “Sleeping in a fast-acting sugar surge is the perfect environment to store fat,” says nutritionist Betsy Opyt. Although our system will use some of the sugar to feed your body during rest, a lot of it will be stored as fat since you’re not active when you’re sleeping.

Coconut oil and goat cheese

Foods high in saturated fat can satiate and help speed up the weight loss process, but when you eat them just before bed, they can interfere with your sleep. That’s because saturated fat can relax the valve that separates the lower end of the esophagus and the stomach. “And since fat takes a long time to digest, anything you eat takes extra time to try to sneak back into the esophagus and wake you up,” says White.

Food (not to eat) at night: Pepper sauce

Even if it’s for dipping celery, eating sauce, or any spicy food at least an hour before bedtime is asking for heartburn or bad sleep, according to Opyt. Like fatty foods, spicy foods can relax the muscular ring that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This allows any acid to ferment in your belly and rise – which happens even more often when you’re lying in bed and you don’t have gravity holding things in place.

Red wine

OK, we’ve also heard some experts say that a glass of red wine before bed can do you good, but that’s not exactly true. As much as we love the antioxidant pack in wine, alcohol is not advisable before bed. Sure, you’ll sleep fast, but you’ll struggle to get into a deep, restorative sleep stage, according to Jim White, a representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In fact, in the name of science, some women drank wine before bed, and researchers at the University of Melbourne found that their dormant brains exhibited activity similar to what is seen in people receiving mild electrical shocks. For every glass of wine you drink, wait an hour before bedtime.

Evening Food: Baked Delights

Cookies and brownies are the hardest things to resist before bedtime, but when you’re trying to get in shape, you’re better off leaving them for your afternoon snack. Sugar acts as fuel in your body, according to White. If you eat a little before bedtime, when your stored carbohydrate stores have depleted, the sugar will likely end up turning into fat.





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