
pokeKat's Profile

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Hatena ID
Self introduction

Hello! My name is Density, and I am a big fan of art, and is I think my favorite hobby! I want all my flipnotes to be all either animations, or drawings, and things that people want to see. I am a busy person, and get a lot of schoolwork, so I don't post too often, but be on the lookout for my flipnotes, and if you leave a comment, I will be sure to check out yours too! I seriously love it when people tell me to check out their flipnotes, because it gives me somthing new to look at, and if you can, advertise a flip for me to see!

Okay, other things about me, I am in my 1st year of Jr. high, and love to draw and animate! My good friends inspire me so much! I love it! Oh yeah, I am a girl! I do not have any pets, though I used to have 3 mice. I love animals, and children, and have 2 little sisters of my own. I love hard work. such as cleaning the house, and one of my big hobbies is running. I am on the cross country and track team for my school. Long distance running is hard work, though really fun! I love the outdoors and nature, and am a lot of the times, found outside with my little sisters! I also love to create my own species, and have notebooks filled up with my ideas for stuff! My 2 main inspirations are my friends, who are all amazing artists and super nice creators, and this really good creator called PhantomCat. I found out about her while reading the weekly news, and saw one of hers for the weekly topic winners. I checked out her flipnotes, found them amazing, and love them. Another great creator is my friend who's name is Ai, and has really good and original flipnotes! A few more things; I don't mind star (begging), though I never do it, people don't have to add stars to the flipnote, and a lot of creators have started a riot of it. Don't leave mean comments! If anything, leave a nice one! Well enjoy my work! Have a good day! Don't forget to do your best work, no matter what! If you need any help with anything, I will be there to support you all!


Updates Below

Here are the following flipnotes I am working on;

Welcome to the Now-Spin off-orignal creator-Red Vaperon

Down-non spin off

Hazel Eyes-Spin-off-Orignal creator-Skippy

weekly topic entry- non spin off

I might not post too often for awhile because I just got both drawn to life games (Drawn to life and drawn to life the next chapter) And also because my family celebrates christmas, and I have to be busy with that. :3