
Perfil de robby97

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Self introduction

Is this where i talk about myself? *pssst your on* OH! um (faces audience) I live in the buckeye state of Ohio. My all time favorite games are the zelda series. Im a 14 year old male and meh birthday is august 16. Flipnotes are NOT my specialty!! im terrible, Scams, starbeggars and stealers drive me insane! Thats why i joined restoring hatena (check it out if you can) I find internet memes very funny (Cool story Bro!!!!)............ yes thank you....for that!? uhhh I believe in the term that says your never to old for pokemon! And a quick randumb statement PIDOVES PAWN! ok soooo I gues my goal here is to be somewhat popular,cause im bad at makin flips, I have a deviant art (although i suck at art!) its robby64 thats all i guess drive home safely and watch out for chuck norris........ no seriously WATCH OUT! kthanx bai