
Profilo di shinypokegirl

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Self introduction

Hey my name is Shiny Lucario or SLucario X3

I LOVE SHINY Lucario and shiny Riolu (but shiny Lucario more)! Im 14 and my B day is 1/31/1997 I have a brother goes on flipnote too his name is Nick if you want to see his flipnotes you have to go on my favorite creators ,COOl! and my real name is Marcela Tucci and Im nice and I go on!/profile.php?id=100001567195455 and if you want to see me in real life and want to look at my art

Statisics: Offline

Name: Marcela Tucci

Male or female: Female

Fav thing to do: drawing, playing Video games

Video game that I'm playing right now: Mario sunshine, Soul Silver(yes I beat the game already it's just I feel like making a new game lol)

How I feel: bored really bored

Most fav game:The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker

Most fav pokemon: shiny Lucario du lol :3

things I hate: chao artist who draw thier chao's as pokemon >:( and Sonic (well I hate a lot of things lol)

Dating: no one...........

Age: 14

Theres too much things about me ok so I will just keep adding on when I feel like it lol o3o

my friends are

any one that's fav pokemon is a Lucario or Riolu is all ready my Brother or Sister lol


Xarra or Kira H or InvadrKira


Eveee (BFF also a sis)


Taco :)





GhostRiolu(helps me out a lot also my bro)



Pikachu (likes link)


Darklink (likes link)

Moonpaw(I love her art so much)

Nick (my borther in real life)

Lúçá☆(love her art)



MissMay i(I don't even know)

ノワール( love her art)

ダニエールちや(LOVE HER ART and also shes my sis and BFF)

Kitt&Mitt (my real sister in real life)


~☆~(F%@ing Awseome art!!!!!!)

☆Ruにarïo★ (I thinks hes still loves me...... 0-0)


Silversoul(BFF and sis)



★JacOb☆ (does not go online as much)

yoshi_106 (I love the way shes draws her yoshi)

S©ttie (Bro and BFF)

Pups (Best friend and bro

ひmßéôれ(the kid who I don't even know if hes my friend)

wolf64(the girl who puts my Suger O.C with Her Lucky O.c lol)

レソ[Len](BFF and my bro)

Wormy(Pups can't stop talking about her maybe he likes her lol)



so yah and I LOVE LINK A LOT my fave video game is The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker but I still love The Legend of Zelda twilight Princess X3 Games I hate >:( is any Sonic game its so stiped and I also hate kingdom hearts sorry I know lots of people love these games but I just cant like them :( oh I LOVE POKEMON GAMES I love the most is PMD X3. IM ALL WAYS TAKEING REQUEST EVEN IF YOU WANT ME TO DRAW YOU 20 PIC.S CUS IM JUST THAT BORED SO PLZ ASK AWAY!!!!!!! XDDDDDDD Well bye X3