
Perfil de strawberryhead

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Self introduction

so i love to pla megaman and kingdem hearts, i also hate mint flavor icecream(lol wut?) and i<3 banna flavored (wut again). my favrite robot master from mega man is fire man and my favrite playable charctor (spelled wrong) is bass. my favrite kingdem hearts charactor (spelled wrong again) is roxas. i used to play sonic,but you know ... it... foget it i still play sonic dx!!! i like to make human froms (examples megaman,kirby,sonic,and mario) i hate trolls,cyberbbullers,and haters.i don't mind stealers cause i think they actully edit it like a small bit ya'know,but if you hate them that you opinion. i also like to draw and liten to vocaloid+touhou, but i mostly like to listen to vocaloid songs. my favs are judgement of currupion (spelled wrong) madness of duke, daughter of evil,magnet sung by razzy, sevent of evil, triple baka (sang by genderbets of miku,neru,and teto). im very superstisous(spelled wrong) well bye bye