Callie (or Cal)

Callie (or Cal)s Profil

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Hatena ID
Callie (or Cal)

Ah Hatena.... I remembered this place...

This was the place where I posted most if my flipnotes (on Flipnotes Hatena), and where I could chat with my friends at! (Hatena Haiku)

But too bad that those places are both gone now...

Even though I don't really come to this place anymore I'll still introduce myself.

The name's "Callie" (Please don't pronounce it wrong! :c)

I was born on April 16, 1997, and a girl! c:

Im a kinda shy person when it comes with talking to people. I am also sometimes calm and crazy at the same time. c:

I also have two brother's, which is my Big brother "Adam", and my little brother Alex. My little brother also had a Hatena account (Just to make flipnotes).

I Love Drawing,Video games,and My Friends

I Dislike Rude people (like bullies),Bugs,and thing's that are Annoying (enough said! >:U)

The reason why Im called "Toadettegirl123306" is because, Im a huge fan of Toadette (which is a character from "Super Mario", even though she's a character that appears on spin-off mario games, like Mario Kart), I'm a Girl (Duh! XD) and I choosed "123306" too because 123 is too short for my username... :/ so I add the 306 after the 123! XD

I don't really come on this website that often anymore, But I am more active on other site I go on

you could follow me on




NNID- Toadettegirl123306 (Miiverse- Callie)

Skype- Toadettegirl123306 Callie

So Yea.... I guess thats all I could say about myself...


If you have Flipnote studios 3D and wanna watch my horrible- I MEAN! old flipnote's that I posted on Hatena, My FSID is 5ECC360059A88AA3

My little brother's FSID is 5720A880094B7AB5 (If wanna see some of his old flips too)

So yea... Thats all I have to say on me! Bye~ ♫

Been posting flipnote's on Flipnote Hatena since July 16,2010-June 1st,2013