



Hello my name is Tyler Roberts and this is my flip note place or whatever you want to call it. I am extremely friendly but not as friendly enought to find creepy people adding commttees that are scary so no creepers. please anyways enjoy my artwork and please be nice. if you dont have anything to say good at all than dont put any committees down I put heard work and effort into these flipnotes. be also welcome to add me as favorites as i did you. ASK NOT WHAT PEOPLE CAN BE FAVORITE TO ME... ASK ONLY WHAT PEOPLE I CAN BE A FAN TO. (statement edited by me but orginal credit goes to J.F.K.)ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTY CAN DO FOR YOU... ASK ONLY WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY. also i am a big wilmington hurrcanes fan so any wilmington high school students out there i am Tyler Bradly Roberts and i am a big supporter of hurrcanes go huffy!!!!! Also don't be afraid to ask what flip notes you waht me to have more of put out... Thank you.