
xXBloodWolfXxs Profil

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I will update this informat-ion when I feel like it:/ dude I'm so tired...

Hiya!!! Everyone and welcome to my profile.

Here is a little bit about me

My name is Agi ok my long name is Agnieszka, Try pronounce my name XD lol

Anyway moving on, I'm 14 years old, love music and art.

I love to listen to

Breaking Benjamin

Linkin Park

• skillet

skrillex- dubstep

Also I love the soothing sound of the native American flute.

I love to draw




• chao

• pika

My personality-

Childish sometimes, like being solo, but love friends.


If one of my friends on here have any of their art stolen or are false reported I will hunt you down!!!!

Anyways in other words I'm a really kind person who loves making friends.and don't be afraid to ask to do a collabXD

My fav element is shadow btw.

Now lets learn about some of my charas

1st we have my main o.c Batrax- species:blood wolf. Batrax has striped ears that are filled with red. She has a red out-line around her eye with a few dripping blood marks.last of all she has a red chest with an ancient symbol, it may be my new logo.

2nd Shadow -species:shadowWolf.

Shadow has half a white coat and half a black coat. He has 1 curved sharp line underneath both sides of each eye.he wears a necklace decorated with 1 wolf tooth and beside the wolf tooth there is 1 bead sitting beside the tooth on each side.

3rd I have breeze- species:sky wolf

He has blue lines on the tips of his fur and he has ocean blue eyes, recently lost his friend fang.The story behind the two, fang and breeze decided to take a walk when suddenly a evil hearted wolf tried to kill breeze, fang defended breeze and lost his life.Now breezes cousin shadow is looking for the killer of Fang.

I will write more when I make lots of friends and create new charas:3

~BloodWolf out