
Perfil de やしの実通信


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Self introduction


プロフィールに代えて Bio in English see below

以前、宇宙通信研究第一人者JAXA, NICT幹部歴任された飯田尚志博士からご依頼いただき"Space Japan Review"という雑誌に『衛星と私』という記事寄稿させていただきました。プロフィールに代えてここにリンクさせていただきます

"Space Japan Review", 2001年 No. 16, AIAA日本衛星通信フォーラム発行


Satellite Communications and I (16), Space Japan Review 4-5, No.16 April/May. 2001


学 歴:

国立音楽大学 芸術学士 

千葉大学 教育学修士 

青山学院大学 国際政治学修士 

ハワイ大学 Graduate Certificate, Telecommunication Information and Resource Management

オタゴ大学 哲学博士2017年3月)



職 歴:



2003年10月2017年3月 笹川平和財団笹川太平洋島嶼国基金プログラム・コーディネーター


1988年 総務庁主催青年の船」に参加しオセアニア諸国訪問

1988年1998年 総務庁青少年交流事業既参加青年事後活動組織日本青年国際交流機構」の本部運営理事として、アセアン諸国及び日本国内青少年行政国際交流事業に関わる。


1994年1998年 財団法人青少年国際交流推進センター協力委員

1994年1998年 「日本青年国際交流機構本部副会長

1994年1998年 SSEAYP International事務局長(「東南アジア青年の船」の事後活動国際組織


■ Hayakawa, R., 2106. Self-determination for the Communication Policy in the Pacific Islands, in Ishihara, M., Hoshino, E., and Fujita, Y. (eds.) Self-determinable Development of Small Islands, pp.179-202. Singapore: Springer.

■ 早川理恵子 2012。 第9章「太平洋島嶼国政治経済地域協力」。菊池努/畑惠子編著、『ラテンアメリカオセアニア』、世界政治叢書6、ミネルヴァ書房、2012.

■ Hayakawa, Rieko; Richard Guy and Toshio Kosuge 〈co-editor〉2000: “Distance Education in the South Pacific: Nets and Voyages” Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific and The Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund 2000. ISBN 982-02-0143-8

■ Rieko Hayakawa (Editor) “Report of Pacific Islands Digital Opportunities (PIDO) Research Committee :Creating New Value and Knowledge for Pacific Islanders”


■Hayakawa, R. (2017). Possibility of Telecommunication Universal Service in the Pacific Islands; Case studies of Vanuatu, PEACESAT and USPNet (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/7139

早川理恵子 2016 「南洋親日国パラオミクロネシアにも中国触手が…」月刊正論12月

早川理恵子, “Why We Travel - What ‘Homo Mobilitas’ Can Teach The Pacific-“, 2008年1月パシフィックマガジンハワイ

早川理恵子, Wasem, Higa “The Role of Telehealth in Pacific Island Human Resource for Health (HRH) Development: An Environmental Scan of Past Experiences and Potential Developments” 第21回太平洋学術会議, Asia Pacific Telecommunity Telemedicine Initiative, 2007年6月15-16日、沖縄

早川理恵子「文化財保護観光開発における国際協力」 太平洋島嶼ワークショップ ’07持続可能な開発にむけた観光教育文化遺産平成19年1月30日(火)~2月1日(木)

早川理恵子、Jason Aubuchon、"Web education materials for Micronesian Diaspora" 第4回「ハワイ国際教育会議」(2006.1.6-9)


早川理恵子「南の島のカバ」『アル健協News & Reports June 2005』社団法人アルコール健康医学協会

早川理恵子「衛星通信と私 16」『Space Japan Review 4-5, No.16 April/May. 2001』, AIAA衛星通信フォーラム発行

早川理恵子、「民間国際協力最終回太平洋の島々の遠隔教育」『視聴覚教育』Vol. 54 No.12 2000.

■ Hayakawa, Rieko: Digital Divide in the Pacific Island Nations: Universal

Service and the IT revolution in the age of free competition. PacificNews.

NET, Vol. 5 No.7 August 2000, Hawaii

早川理恵子、「国際協力による太平洋島嶼地域情報通信支援政策PEACESATケーススタディを通してー」(Policy for Information Network Development in the Pacific Islands through International Cooperation: Case study of PEACESAT) 青山学院大学 国際政治経済学研究科 修士論文 1998

早川理恵子、「音楽世界から国際交流世界へ:人と人を結び、さまざまなハーモニーに仕上げる」『国際プログラムオフィサーGAP(国際公益活動研究会アルク出版 1996



発表、講演等:Please see attached document Rieko CV Nov.2016.docx


Satellite Communications and I (16), Space Japan Review 4-5, No.16 April/May. 2001


Bachelor of Arts, Kunitachi Music College

Master of Education, Chiba University

Master of Arts in Political Science, Aoyama Gakuin University

University of Hawaii Graduate Certificate ProgramTelecommunication and Information Resource Management ( TIRM),

Special Research Fellow, Keio Univeristy

Doctor of Philosophy, Otago University 2017

Doctoral Scholar, Graduate School of Law, Doshisha University

PhD thesis

■Hayakawa, R. (2017). Possibility of Telecommunication Universal Service in the Pacific Islands; Case studies of Vanuatu, PEACESAT and USPNet (Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy). University of Otago. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10523/7139


■ Hayakawa, R., 2106. Self-determination for the Communication Policy in the Pacific Islands, in Ishihara, M., Hoshino, E., and Fujita, Y. (eds.) Self-determinable Development of Small Islands, pp.179-202. Singapore: Springer.

■ Hayakawa. R, Chapter 9, “Politics, economics and regional cooperation of Pacific Islands” in Kikuchi and Hata (eds), “Latin America, Oceania” World Politics series 6, Minerva Press, April 2012.

■ Hayakawa, Rieko; Richard Guy and Toshio Kosuge (editors): “Distance Education in the South Pacific: Nets and Voyages” Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific and The Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund 2000. ISBN 982-02-0143-8

■ Rieko Hayakawa (Editor) “Report of Pacific Islands Digital Opportunities (PIDO) Research Committee :Creating New Value and Knowledge for Pacific Islanders”

Papers: Please see attached document Rieko CV Nov.2016.docx

Presentations etc: Please see attached document Rieko CV Nov.2016.docx

List of SPINF Projects

■ Developing and implementing the first (1992-1998), the second (1999-2008) and the third (2009~) program guidelines of the Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund

■ Establish and Manage the “Pacific Islands Digital Opportunity Special Committee” “Pacific Islands Political Study committee” of SPINF steering committee (2006~2008)

Assisting develop concept and negotiating with stakeholders on maritime project (2008~)

■ Draft public comments for G8 summit (2008)

■ Draft public comments for Asia Broad Band project of Japanese Government (2002)

■ Draft public comment, “Recommendations for PALM 2006 focused on ICT project”. (2006)

■ Draft public comments for PALM 2006.

■ Submit comments for PALM 2012. Maritime and US. As the result both were included in the declaration.

■Translation and Publication of the Works of Hisakatsu Hijikata(1991~1995)

■ Inviting Newspaper Editors to Japan(1991~2008)

■ The Pacific Island Nations Scholarship Fund (1994~1997)

Island Meeting to discuss islands(1994~1996)(2005~)

Distance Education Development Promotion Study for the Pacific Region(1994~1995)

Distance Education in the Pacific Islands Publication Project(1995~1996)

■Evaluation of the Japanese Language Project at the University of the South Pacific(1996~1997)

■ Coconuts College(1997~)

Pacific Island Digital Opportunities Research Project(2002~2007)

Micronesia Media Association (2007)

Micronesia Sea Surveillance Project (2008~)

Kiribati Aikido Program (1991)

■ Support for Asia-Pacific Children's Convention in Fukuoka (1991~1992)

■ The Pacific Island Education and Leadership Summit (1991)

■ Support for PEACESAT Conference (1991)

Japan-Micronesia Youth Exchange Program (1992)

■ The 6th Festival of Pacific Arts (1992)

Seminar on Relationship between Humans and Ships (1993)

Japanese Language Course Development Project (1994~1997)

Regional Youth Conference for Pacific Youth (1994)

■ Establishment of the Pacific Youth Council (1995~1997)

■ Teaching The Pacific Forum (1995~1999)

Feasibility Study on Transfer of Environmentally Friendly Technology (1995)

Pilot Archaeological Training Program in the Pacific Islands (1996~1998)

■ Enhancing the Quality of Nursing Education Through Distance Education in the Western Pacific (1997~1999)

■ Training Program for Distance Education and Learning Technologies and Applications in the Pacific Islands (1998~2000)

Educational Support for Better Understanding on Japan in the Micronesian Region (1999~2001)

■ Transcending Borders with Education Online (1999~2001)

Regional History Project of the Council of Presidents of Pacific History and Social Studies Teachers Association (2000~2002)

■ Archaeological Training Programs in Emerging Micronesian Island Nations (2000~2002)

■ PATS Staff Trainee Program (2000~2002)

■ Charting the Future Course of Distance Education in the Western Pacific (2000~2005)

■ The 2nd General Assembly of the Pacific Youth Council (2000)

Internet Course Development by School of Law of USP (2001~2003)

Distance Education in the South-West Pacific Cultural Heritage Training (2001~2003)

■ Transcending Borders with Education On-Line (2002~2004)

<Coordinate for Evaluation projects>

Japanese Language Education in the Pacific Islands Region(1996~1997)

■ An evaluation of “The Cultural and Historic Preservation Training Project for the Micronesian Regionand a fact finding report into Aid for Cultural Heritage Project in this Region (2002)

Internet Course Development by School of Law of USP 2004

■Exchange Media Personnel Among The Pacific Islands Region And Japan2004